Information Technology

Information Sharing through the intranet HP-NET

HP-NET better enables our work team to conduct its responsibilities and become more efficient, effective, and self-directed, thereby being better enable to serve our customers.

Our work team shares stat sheets such as flash sales and reports, bulletins, notices, and any other information deemed necessary to conduct its responsibilities more effectively and efficiently, including marking payments and meeting the customers’ requirements.

Effective and efficient inter-branch Online Network

A high-speed network environment with backup lines enables us to make toll-free calls between branches, conduct teleconferences, and mobile access environment. This activates direct communication and promotes information sharing among branches and the staff, thus providing faster response to customers’ needs and reducing operating expenses.

Recognized by METI as one of small medium-sized companies with qualified IT management

At the 2010 Information Technology Management Awards sponsored by METI, the Japanese government recognized Hime-Pla for its implementation of IT management.
